Reflections on Identity, Life and Death – Susan1


While awaiting her transplant in ICU, staff gave former nurse Susan1 some work to do.


So yeah, I lived in the coronary ICU. It was very different being a patient you know? And I still remember one night there was a code in the ICU. And I’m thinking oh my God. I should be helping. And I realised the humour of it. Here I am tethered to a bed with swan ganz, and CVB lines. And my first thought is participating in this code for somebody else right? And the next day the charge nurse comes in and says to me ‘so I hear you want to work?’ [Laughs] and I said ‘Yeah I just couldn’t believe you know I couldn’t. I was still the nurse, not just the patient.’ And so she brought in some administrative work for me to do for her ICU while I was in this bed. So it was really great.

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